Hi everyone!
Look below to see the review video for your orchestra. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Hi everyone!
Look below for the videos for your orchestra. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Thanks!
This week in the Beginning Orchestra, I made sure that everyone got tapes on their instruments. We then quickly reviewed last week’s material and learned about the “D ladder”, which is putting your fingers on the D string. Look below for a video explaining the D ladder. Students should try to practice “Rolling Along” (#19 on page 8) — this song only uses D, E, and F# and is the tune of Mary Had a Little Lamb.
Look below to watch the review videos for your orchestra. Beginning Orchestra: note that these videos are the same as the last two weeks, but we learned the final section, which is about using the bow.
Hi everyone!
Look below to watch the review videos for your orchestra. Beginning Orchestra: note that these videos are the same as last week, but we learned a different section of the video this week.
Hi everyone!
Every week, I will post review videos so that any students who missed rehearsal can know what we learned. They can also be helpful for students to remember what to practice at home. As always, please reach out if you have any questions! Look below for the video for your orchestra/instrument.
Hi everyone!
Watch the review video for your orchestra down below. Our concert is next week! Watch your video for lots of information about the concert.
Hi everyone!
Look below for the review video for your orchestra. We only have 2 weeks until the concert, so be sure to practice at home and make sure you have a concert black outfit. Happy practicing!
Hi everyone!
Look below for the review video for your orchestra. We only have 3 more rehearsals, so make sure you practice your music at home!
(Sorry! It wouldn’t let me embed. Click on the link below.)