We had a great first day!
I know that a lot of the students were worried about the new songs, but I swear they do this every semester, haha! I picked each song with their abilities in mind — they just don’t realize how much they can accomplish!
This week, we listened to each group’s new pieces and learned a very small chunk of each. This is what I would like each group to work on:
Beginning Orchestra
- The Salamander Samba — Write in the names of the notes if that helps. This piece is all open strings!
- Royal Promenade — Please try to learn measures 13-17. These repeat a lot!
- William Tell — This is also open strings! Write in the names of the strings if that helps.
- Mythos — Try to learn from the beginning until measure 15 if you can.
Intermediate Orchestra
- Raindrop Serenade — Try to learn measures 13-21.
- Dragonhunter — Everyone gets the melody at some point, so learn it this week! Everyone plays the melody in measures 28 through 35.
- Funky Fiddles — Practice until measure 25.
- William Tell — This is all open strings! Write in the names of the strings if it helps.
Advanced Orchestra
- Storm — Try to learn until measure 33 if you can.
- Dramatic Essay — Learn through measure 15.
- William Tell — You can do it! Try to practice until letter E.
- Eat My Rosin Dust — You can do this, too! Practice until measure 23.
This semester, unless something needs a video explanation, I will send out reviews in this way.
Have fun practicing, and I’ll see you all next week!