Hi everyone! Below you will find a review of what we did on Monday. Make sure to be practicing at least 5 days a week!
Beginning Orchestra
In the Beginning Orchestra, we experimented with a new seating arrangement that I think helped me reach all of the students better. We then worked on learning the lines and spaces of each of the clefs, along with where our open strings lie on those clefs.

We then did some “Rosin Raps” from page 13 and then again reviewed the notes found on pages 6 and 7. Now that I was able to reach all of the students, I think most are understanding those notes. Please start practicing the music on pages 8 and 9, and we will work on those next Monday!
Intermediate Orchestra
In the Intermediate Orchestra, we started by rehearsing First Christmas March. We were able to get through the whole thing, and students should start practicing the entire song. Then we went to the String Explorer book and worked on the first 4 measures of Minuet, #108 on page 25. Students should continue practicing the Minuet this week. We then practiced Maiden’s Rescue, which we can also play in its entirety. We decided to delay Funky Fiddles until the next concert, and I will pick a new song for us to do—Funky Fiddles was just a little too difficult for us right now, but it will be perfect for next semester. So don’t bother practicing it, and look forward to a new song next Monday!
Advanced Orchestra
In the Advanced Orchestra, we rehearsed all 3 of our songs. Students should be practicing each of their songs in their entirety. I am working on putting together practice videos that they can use to help them.