Hi everyone! Look below for your review from Monday!
Our concert is this coming Monday, May 6th. We will still have our regular rehearsals in the morning, but you do not need to dress up for them! Make sure that you have concert black to wear for our concert that night, students need to arrive by 6:45pm. Let me know if you have any questions!
Beginning Orchestra
- The Salamander Samba — You guys sound great on this! No worries at all, plus it will be easier with an accompanist!
- Royal Promenade — We worked on this one during most of our rehearsal on Monday, especially the ending. You should be able to play through the whole thing! I suggest practicing with the practice videos so that you can feel super confident.
- On a Swing — We have a few people who are zoning out and playing whatever, which isn’t great when there are rests! I also think that this will be easier once we have an accompanist and I can conduct you.
Intermediate Orchestra
- The Abandoned Funhouse — This sounds so great! We will have an accompanist at our next rehearsal, which will help even more. Violins, don’t forget to be quieter at measure 43 because the violas have the melody.
- Guldfaxe — We spent most of our time rehearsing Guldfaxe, and it’s really coming along! We especially worked on the end and making the cut from measure 27 to measure 43. Make sure you practice at home!
- Icicles — Our biggest problem on this is the different bow strokes and also the 1st violins bringing out the melody when they have it. Overall it’s going very well!
Advanced Orchestra
- Turbulence — This sounds awesome! We just tried to add in some of those pianos so that the loud stuff sounds even cooler.
- Appalachian Sunrise — This is also sounding great! Make sure that you are playing F naturals! Cellos, this means 2nd finger. Violas, this means low 2’s. Violins, this means low 2’s, but also low 1 on the E string. Having some F#’s in there really messes up our zen vibe
- Bones — I’m also really happy with how this is going. We worked on some of our transitions, especially around measure 44, whether we are going to the coda or not. Also, make sure that in the music between 47 and the D.S. al Coda (our playing check-in spot) that you play A# throughout that whole section. No open A strings!