Bones Practice Videos
All 5 Parts
1st Violin
2nd Violin
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Hi everyone! Look below to find the review for your orchestra.
Also, please note that we will not be having rehearsal next week, Monday, February 19th due to President’s Day. Our next rehearsal will be on Monday, February 26th. Make sure to practice at home!
This week, we worked on tuning our own instruments and I also had to make sure that everyone had tapes on their instruments. This took up a ton of class time, but it needed to be done!
We then played The Salamander Samba and quickly went through the whole thing. You should be able to practice the whole piece at home now! I am extending our playing check-ins to our next rehearsal since we didn’t get a lot of time to record in class this week. If you would prefer, you can also send me an email with your audition video or upload it onto our Google Drive folder.
After that, I taught the new students how to put their fingers down on the D string, while students who were here last semester tried to figure out the notes in Royal Promenade. New students should practice “Rolling Along” in their books on page 8. Returning students should practice Royal Promenade from the beginning until measure 21. New students, you can look at the video below if you forgot how to put down fingers on the D string. Happy Practicing!
We recorded playing check-ins during class this week. While I usually give you two weeks of in-class recordings, with President’s Day next week, we just had one day of in-class recordings. If you would still like to send me your playing check-in, you can send a video via email or upload it onto our Google Drive. As a reminder, we are playing Icicles for this playing check-in — bass and cello will play measures 17 through 25 while violins and violas will play measures 25-33. Look below to see what we did in rehearsal!
We recorded playing check-ins during class this week. While I usually give you two weeks of in-class recordings, with President’s Day next week, we just had one day of in-class recordings. If you would still like to send me your playing check-in, you can send a video via email or upload it onto our Google Drive. As a reminder, we are playing Turbulence measures 33-40 for this playing check-ins. Look below to see what we did in rehearsal!